I was born on July 25, 2001 at Garden Grove Hospital.

I am Korean.

I am a pro ping pong player. I am the best in the world.

This is one of my favorite childhood games.

I am a world class kimchi maker. I sell kimchi to the community.

Bench press is the most exciting thing, besides school.

I want to have sick biceps like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I want to bench press as much as Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I want to be a neurosurgeon.

I can dunk harder than Shaq.

Gordon Ramsay's cooking inspires me to be able to cook good food.

I enjoy fishing a lot, but I get sick because of the rotting smell of bait.

I eat rice everyday.

I got to eat a lot of meat to grow strong.

I need more meat to become strong.